Squad Zone- Privacy Policy

 Privacy Policy for Squad Zone


At Squad Zone, we prioritize your privacy. Therefore, we do not gather any Personal Information. Personal Information refers to data that identifies you or another individual, which could be transmitted or received while utilizing an Application, the Services, and/or the Site. This encompasses but is not limited to geographic location information, names, physical addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, other device identifiers, social security numbers, calendar entries, contact entries, files, content, photographs, location information, and metadata in photographs, as well as any other information transmitted or received via an Application, the Services, and/or the Site that could identify you or another individual.


We are committed to ensuring the confidentiality of your information. We do not collect Personal Information, and we implement administrative, physical, and electronic safeguards to protect your Non-Personal Information from unauthorized access and usage. It's important to note that while we take extensive security measures, no method is completely foolproof against unauthorized access or usage of your Non-Personal Information.


Our Apps may include links to external websites and online services, including third-party advertisements. Should you opt to navigate to any of these external websites or online services, please be aware that any information you provide will be subject to their respective privacy policies and terms and conditions, rather than our own Privacy Policy. We do not govern third-party websites or services, and the presence of a link to such a website or service within our Apps does not imply our endorsement or approval of their policies or practices regarding user information. Before sharing any information with a third-party website or service, we recommend reviewing their privacy policy and terms and conditions.


Our Services are not aimed at children under the age of 13. If you discover that your child under 13 has provided us with personal information without your consent, please notify us immediately. We do not intentionally collect Personal Information from children under 13. In the event that we become aware of a child under 13 providing us with Personal Information, we will take steps to remove such information and deactivate the child’s account. By utilizing any Application, the Services, or the Site, you confirm that you are not under the age of 13. We recommend that minors between 13 and 18 years old seek permission from their parents or legal guardians before disclosing any information about themselves to us or any other entity, whether through an Application, the Services, or the Site.

Please Note: This Privacy Policy page is solely intended for use by the following Android publisher accounts.
